Applying for a course at SPTI: The Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute
Our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Information Days provide applicants with the opportunity to find out more about SPTI and your chosen course. Attendance at an Information Day is mandatory for the BSc and MSc programmes.
Click here for more information on our Information Days
Once you have chosen a training programme, you will need to submit:
An Application Form click here for our online application form
- To complete the Online Application, you will need to upload:
- A photo of yourself
- ID documents: scans of your driving licence and passport or birth certificate.
- When completing the online form, you can save your progress and finish an incomplete entry at a later date. Press the Save button at the bottom of any page to receive a link to resume by email.
Two References click here to download a Reference form.
- Complete and return the reference forms directly to us at
Applications for the non-clinical courses are made separately – click on the relevant course link
** Please submit references via email wherever possible to prevent delays in processing your application **

The information listed below detailing how the admissions process works, forms part of the formal SPTI Admissions Policy. A copy of the full policy can be downloaded via the following link [Click here]
Reference Forms will need to be completed by each of your two referees and returned attached together with the separate reference letter produced where possible on company headed paper to Admissions (see address above). Obtaining and ensuring references are received is the responsibility of the applicant.
DBS Checks (Disclosure and Barring Service – formerly CRB) – All MSc and BSc students are required to undertake a DBS check at enrolment (£61.50) and also to register for the annual update Service (currently £16 annually).
Criminal Convictions The SPTI application form requires applicants to confirm if they have any convictions and/or cautions that are not ‘protected’ as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. If your answer is yes, then you are also required to complete the SPTI DBS01 Criminal Conviction Declaration.
- DBS01 Criminal Conviction Declaration (to be returned with the completed application) [DBS01 Declaration]
- Policy and Procedure on the Monitoring of Criminal Records is also available to download [DBS Policy]
Application Deadlines We do not specify application deadlines as all of our courses recruit until they are full. Applicants should contact Admissions in the first instance to confirm places are still available and apply before the course is due to start. As we process applications on a first come, first served basis, early applications are advised to avoid disappointment.
Application Processing Timescales We aim to respond to all applications within one month of receipt, if not sooner. In cases where this is not possible, applicants will be informed accordingly.
Interviews All applicants are interviewed with the exception of the Counselling Concepts 30 hour course. Interviews usually last between 30-45 minutes. The nature of psychotherapy training is primarily relational and as such it is important for applicants to disclose any pre-existing relationships with SPTI staff and/or members (and other applicants where known) at the point of application. This provides the opportunity to address potential implications for this at the interview stage thereby ensuring professional standards when attending to dual relationships, which Professional Bodies (for example, BACP and UKCP) recommend be avoided to prevent detrimental effects and promote professional accountability at all stages of training and practice. We aim to ensure that this does not provide an unnecessary barrier to recruitment. Therefore, in cases of pre-existing relationships with current students and/or training staff adjustments may be suggested; this could include an alternative entry point or in some cases an alternative programme of study. During the interview, you will be asked to confirm if you have any criminal convictions.
Offers Applicants to SPTI clinical training programmes (BSc & MSc) are reminded that all offers are subject to a satisfactory criminal records check by obtaining an enhanced adult workforce DBS Certificate. Places are secured by the submission of the required deposit and online acceptance of the offer as detailed in the offer letter.
Deposits are required to secure student places. Deposits are non-refundable.
International Students SPTI is not a UK Home Office Licensed Sponsor with approval to admit overseas students. Therefore, we are not permitted to accept applications from international applicants.
EU students: Following the UK’s exit from the EU, EU resident students are no longer treated as home students and will require student visas. Therefore we are not able to accept applications from EU residents.
Our documents are in available from our website in a PDF format so you will need a suitable program to open them. If you already have a PDF reader installed, clicking on the links above will open the documents. You may prefer to right-click and choose save target as to download and save on your computer. You may already have a copy of Adobe® Reader®. To download a free copy, click here. Alternatively try Foxit Reader®, also free.
If you need any more help in making your application, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Click here for a course overview.